Real-time information becomes a reality on buses

Published 22/04/2024

Metro on bus screens

Keen to provide feedback about the new screens? Please email us or phone one of the team on 03 366 88 55.

Next-stop information is beginning to be rolled out on Metro buses in Greater Christchurch this week. This information allows customers to easily see the next three stops and how far away they are, from the comfort of their seat.

The technology has been installed on four buses, with intentions to equip all of Metro’s electric buses by the end of the year. This would be a total of around 70 buses, pending funding. The next-stop information screens will be on a variety of our buses, some of which are likely to cover routes such as Route 8 Port to Port, which transports customers to and from the airport. This technology is consistent with the live information that customers can already access through their phones or on our screens at major stops.

The technology is made possible through GPS trackers which are onboard all Metro buses – these track where the buses are, where they are headed and when they will get there. This information also drives Metro’s real-time network map.

The screens will also improve how we communicate with our customers, as they will be used to display customer information – reducing the need for paper posters.

We’re really keen to hear from customers about what they think of these screens and if there are any improvements or further functionality they would suggest.