Switching to Motu Move - FAQs

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Frequent questions about the upcoming switch to Motu Move.

Will this mean that fares will increase?

Canterbury’s current flat fare trial will continue until 30 June 2025 as planned. Public transport fares are decided by each region. For more information on our current fares please see our Fares page.

Will I still get the same concessions?

Yes, concession fares will remain. There will be some steps you’ll need to take to receive your concession when our ticketing switches from Metrocard to Motu Move. We will have more information on this closer to launch.

Will there be a cost for the new card?

Under the new system, you will be able to pay for public transport using your contactless debit/credit card or digital payments. If you don’t want to or are unable to pay this way, prepaid Motu Move cards will be widely available and will work similar to a Metrocard.

More information about the cost of the Motu Move card and where to get one will come closer to the time.

Why do I need to tag off when Greater Christchurch has flat fares?

Tagging off provides more accurate data that helps in planning and delivering service improvements where they are needed for the community.

Currently we only have information on where customers tag on, which provides very limited insight on the journeys taken and how full our buses are across the day. Every time you tag off you will be helping us to provide better Metro services for you in the future!

Will I be able to tag off at the front of the bus if I’m unable to exit via the back door?

Yes, the card readers will allow you to tag off at either door.

More information coming

We understand customers will have other questions about Motu Move and what it means for them. We will have more information available in the coming months. For now, please continue to board and pay for your Metro services as you currently do. Questions can also be sent to our team via email.